Belinda, it has been to many years, and I wonder how our lives may have been if you hadn't been taken so early. Would have our life changed or would we have been on the same path. I don't go to visit wherever you, mum and dad are resting as often as I should, the ache of all my loved ones that are there pains me greatly, so it is easier not to go than to go. Wish I could go back in time and ask you to stay, but I can't. You were my little sister full of life and also a pain, but what could I expect you were a young teenager with your whole life in front of you. You must have known that you were to be here for such a short time as you lived your life to the fullest love you and miss you.
your biggest sister Helen
14th November 2022
I tell your story to all those willing to hear. Its not the story of your life, it is the story of your death. You really lead a very short but full life, we were loved so very much and involved in so many amazing sports and activities. I often wonder what would have been, how different things would have been. I guess I can only dream now as the reality is you are not here. Until we meet again xxx
10th April 2022
I can't believe it has been 37 years, sometimes I wish I could go back to when we were little and start over again - tell you not to go out on your bike that day. What people don't see, what they don't understand the trauma it has on the rest of the family. A part of my parents souls were gone forever when you passed away and the trauma it brought upon all of your siblings. I understood everything that was going on, I saw the pain on the faces of your friends, the ones who witnessed what happened. I don't know, all I know is that we as a family were in a lot of pain for a very long time and your absence has been missed.
11th January 2022