suse 27th June 2021

Celeste, Hi from USA … I randomly came across this page actually looking up info on actress, Belinda Jarrett. And I saw your sister’s beautiful face so I clicked on the page. firstly, I cannot imagine your excruciating pain and sadness you’ve had to endure over most of your life in losing your best friend and sister. Your heartache had to’ve been hugely compounded in seeing your mum and dad suffer the loss of their child too. I only hope you’ve had happiness, peace, great joy and a lot of love in your life. Secondly, my best friend of 48 years (since we were 7 years old) died last year on June 8, 2020. Every day, I’m so sad and godawful depressed, I stay in bed when I can and I really don’t talk with anyone anymore. I’ve just lost myself with her dying. I cry all the time. The pain feels unbearable at times. I miss her so much. With that, I can feel a little of your pain. Thirdly, your writing is beautiful and expressive and profound. Best to you, Suse